
The Gulag and the rest of Zionist Communist Russia were the worst of the worst.
Putin and company are just Stalin again in window dressing.
First America - 19th Century haven for the Jews - carpetbaggers included and many more.
Then Russia - the Zionist Communist takeover of the nation.
Then America and Russia - cold war double team against everyone.
Then America in the Middle East per Oded Yinon and Richard Pearle.
Now Russia again.
Then it will be America again.
The dialectic is unmistakable. The Ground work is the theorizing of 18th and 19th Jews as part of the Illuminatist Bavarian Guelph and the rest of the European Colonizing powers.
Their plan is to take over the world by increments, ever larger and larger.
Communista Internationale Sixth: Алекса́ндр Иса́евич Солжени́цын - Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn
The Gulag and the rest of Zionist Communist Russia were the worst of the worst.
Putin and company are just Stalin again in window dressing.
First America - 19th Century haven for the Jews - carpetbaggers included and many more.
Then Russia - the Zionist Communist takeover of the nation.
Then America and Russia - cold war double team against everyone.
Then America in the Middle East per Oded Yinon and Richard Pearle.
Now Russia again.
Then it will be America again.
The dialectic is unmistakable. The Ground work is the theorizing of 18th and 19th Jews as part of the Illuminatist Bvarian Guelph and the rest of the European Colonizing powers.
Their plan is to take over the world by increments, ever larger and larger.
The Justice of God: Freemasonry
The movements of Freemasonry in time throughout the earth are aimed at culminating in the rule of the Antichrist on earth - Satan is the literal god of Freemasonry. That was adopted by the Freemasons at their beginning from Satan himself. Immediately after that they incorporated Satanic hermetism and then in time, three centuries later, Ari Luria's Devil worship in his writings on Kabalah. The key to it all is in Isaiah Chapter 14 and Ezechiel Chapter 28. In those chapters, the Holy Spirit of God reveals that Satan, Lucifer (from Latin), literally the dark star in Hebrew, was a special angelic mediator who was a throne Cherub of God, who immediately upon his creation refused to serve God and turned inward to worship himself. Ever since that first moment of Satan's creation he has sought to turn man to worship him instead of God. This plan of Satan has as its final vehicle, Freemasonry, much underestimated and totally secretive on purpose. The Freemasons are the ones behind all the Illuminati and Zionists and Bankers and Tyrants and Communism and Nazism and the entire New World Order.
Communista Internationale Sixth: Communist World Government: The Goal of Communism
The Justice of God: Israel is the Nation of the Antichrist = Dajjal: The War of Antichrist against the Church and Christian Civilization written in the nineteenth century A.D., foretelling what was coming upon the earth then and from then to the end of the world.
Very brief excerpt: Mgr. Dillon returned to the question of the direction of Freemasonry, which he had mentioned in his preface. He there says: “The Jewish connection with modern Freemasonry is an established fact everywhere manifested in its history. The Jewish formulas employed by Freemasonry, the Jewish traditions which run through its ceremonial, point to a Jewish origin, or to the work of Jewish contrivers… Who knows but behind the Atheism and desire of gain which impels them to urge on Christians to persecute the Church and destroy it, there lies a hidden hope to reconstruct their Temple, and in the darkest depths of secret society plotting there lurks a deeper society still which looks to a return to the land of Judah and to the rebuilding of the Temple of Jerusalem?”
These remarks can furnish the starting point for a deeper examination of the whole question of secret societies and their action, studied in the light of the Encyclicals of the Sovereign Pontiffs, and of history.
These remarks can furnish the starting point for a deeper examination of the whole question of secret societies and their action, studied in the light of the Encyclicals of the Sovereign Pontiffs, and of history.
The rejection of order by Satan and the other fallen angels was irrevocable. It was a declaration, by the whole body of them together, of perpetual war on and implacable hatred towards the Blessed Trinity and the Supernatural Life of Grace. The fall of the human race could be undone, because human beings can change their minds and the human race comes into existence successively by propagation from the first Adam. In the undoing of the Fall, however, God permitted a second rejection of order.
In spite of the fact that they had been repeatedly warned, in types and figures, and orally by the prophets, about the way they would treat the true Messiah when He came, the Jews turned against Him and the whole Divine Plan He proposed. When they refused to enter into His designs, God permitted the crime of Deicide, and by the supreme act of humble submission on Calvary, the Supernatural Life of Grace was restored to the world. Fulfilling the prophecies to the letter, Our Lord allowed Himself to be put to death, but He died proclaiming the Divine Plan for order.
God wished the Jews as a people to accept His Only-Begotten Son and to be the Heralds of the Supernatural, super-national Life of His Mystical Body. They were thus offered the glorious privilege of proclaiming and working for the only mode of realising the union and brotherhood of nations which is possible since the Fall. On account of their racial pride they refused to accept that there could be any higher life than their national life and they would not hear of the non-Jewish nations entering into the Kingdom of the Mystical Body on the same level as themselves. The Crucifixion of Our Lord on Calvary was, however, not only the public rejection by the Jewish nation of the Divine Programme for order in the world, but was at the same time the proclamation by that nation of its determination to work against God for the triumph of another Messiah. Since Our Lord Jesus Christ, the True Messiah, is the Source of the Supernatural Life through membership of His Mystical Body, the future Messiah must be anti-supernatural or naturalistic, and membership of Christ will have to be eliminated in preparation for him. Since the True Supernatural Messiah came to found the supranational kingdom of His Mystical Body into which he asked the Jewish nation to lead all nations, the future Messiah must be a purely Jewish National Messiah and his mission can have no other object than to impose the rule of the Jewish nation on the other nations.
From: The Mark of the beast
"16. The followers of Antichrist will be marked with a character in imitation of the sign that St. John saw upon the foreheads of the servants of God. This indicates that Antichrist and his prophet will introduce ceremonies to imitate the Sacraments of the Church. In fact there will be a complete organization ―― a church of Satan set up in opposition to the Church of Christ. Satan will assume the part of God the Father; Antichrist will be honored as Saviour, and his prophet will usurp the role of Pope. Their ceremonies will counterfeit the Sacraments and their works of magic be heralded as miracles. A similar project was attempted in the fourth century when Julian the Apostate counterfeited Catholic worship with pagan ceremonies in honor of Mithras and Cybele. He established a priesthood and instituted ceremonies in imitation of Baptism and Confirmation."
"16. The followers of Antichrist will be marked with a character in imitation of the sign that St. John saw upon the foreheads of the servants of God. This indicates that Antichrist and his prophet will introduce ceremonies to imitate the Sacraments of the Church. In fact there will be a complete organization ―― a church of Satan set up in opposition to the Church of Christ. Satan will assume the part of God the Father; Antichrist will be honored as Saviour, and his prophet will usurp the role of Pope. Their ceremonies will counterfeit the Sacraments and their works of magic be heralded as miracles. A similar project was attempted in the fourth century when Julian the Apostate counterfeited Catholic worship with pagan ceremonies in honor of Mithras and Cybele. He established a priesthood and instituted ceremonies in imitation of Baptism and Confirmation."
Rev. E. Sylvester Berry, D.D.
The Apocalypse of St. John
Discussion on Apoc: xiii, 16.
John W. Winterich, Columbus, Ohio, 1921
The Apocalypse of St. John
Discussion on Apoc: xiii, 16.
John W. Winterich, Columbus, Ohio, 1921
Originally there were in ancient religion four elements (fire spirit water earth) with spirit deleted by the pagans and air and then also and/or aether inserted. These were variously identified with the visible planets and gods/goddesses of the pagans. The order was also rearranged variously and finally a sixth element was added: universal mind (just as the heretical interpretation of Jesus Christ as the impersonal word of God, instead of enhypostasia which is correct that Jesus Christ is the Person-al Son and Word of God incarnate). Finally language was seen as the mystical means of connecting with the powers of the gods/goddesses (actually Satan and the other fallen angels and the demons [demons are, according to the Church Fathers, the non-human souls of the pre-flood nephilim]), and with that alpha-numeric theosophies, namely Hebrew Gematria (Greek and Roman variations are Isopsephia) were especially used. These connections were for the sorcery/magic astrological control over the elements (Greek – stoichea)and even other men. Trigrams, pentagrams, hexagrams et al were symbols used in conjunction with this. The final Mark of the Beast will not be accidental or co-incidental. The final mark of the Antichrist (the Beast) will be willful knowingly on purpose representation of the damned individual’s name by gematria/isopsephia spelling of his name to equal 666. He will seek to impress this knowingly on all men. All who knowingly take it will be irrevocably damned. The Mark of the beast, now and then is also the so called ‘Magen Star of David’ which is actually the star of Rempham (Satan) that St. Stephen condemned in the book of the Acts (see below).
If one studies freemasonry one finds that it is the worst kept secret there is, on purpose. They intend to be more and more open about their aims until people openly join in their rebellion against God for that very reason. It is true that there are roots of Byzantine-Venetian banking -- Phnariot, Darius Socinus etc., and there is a stabilization of the power that was concentrated therein and in connection with Switzerland (including the powerful Warburgs and Rothschilds). It is also true that without the connivings of Cardinal Richelieu it would have been stopped a long time ago. It is also true that unscrupulous Jews were involved every step of the way as Bernard Lazare, himself a Jew tells us. There were Jews round Adam Weishaupt in the late 1700’s when Weishaupt added the very Lurianic Illuminism, overt Satanism, the final formulation in which (Weishaupt’s formula) “it will advance until its final conflict with Christianity must determine whether Christ or Satan shall reign on this earth to the end.” Weishaupt’s way is the way of the Masonic lodges today, to first seduce men into his organization through its lower degrees.
The key to it all is in Isaiah Chapter 14 and Ezechiel Chapter 28.
Isaiah Chapter 14
6 That struck the people in wrath with an incurable wound, that brought nations under in fury, that persecuted in a cruel manner. 7 The whole earth is quiet and still, it is glad and hath rejoiced. 8 The fir trees also have rejoiced over thee, and the cedars of Libanus, saying: Since thou hast slept, there hath none come up to cut us down. 9 Hell below was in an uproar to meet thee at thy coming, it stirred up the giants for thee. All the princes of the earth are risen up from their thrones, all the princes of nations. 10 All shall answer, and say to thee: Thou also art wounded as well as we, thou art become like unto us.
11 Thy pride is brought down to hell, thy carcass is fallen down: under thee shall the moth be strewed, and worms shall be thy covering. 12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, who didst rise in the morning? how art thou fallen to the earth, that didst wound the nations? 13 And thou saidst in thy heart: I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, I will sit in the mountain of the covenant, in the sides of the north. 14 I will ascend above the height of the clouds, I will be like the most High. 15 But yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, into the depth of the pit.
Note on verse 12 O Lucifer: O day star. All this, according to the letter, is spoken of the king of Babylon. It may also be applied, in a spiritual sense, to Lucifer the prince of devils, who was created a bright angel, but fell by pride and rebellion against God.
16 They that shall see thee, shall turn toward thee, and behold thee. Is this the man that troubled the earth, that shook kingdoms, 17 That made the world a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof, that opened not the prison to his prisoners? 18 All the kings of the nations have all of them slept in glory, every one in his own house. 19 But thou art cast out of thy grave, as an unprofitable branch defiled, and wrapped up among them that were slain by the sword, and art gone down to the bottom of the pit, as a rotten carcass. 20 Thou shalt not keep company with them, even in burial: for thou hast destroyed thy land, thou hast slain thy people: the seed of the wicked shall not be named for ever.
21 Prepare his children for slaughter for the iniquity of their fathers: they shall not rise up, nor inherit the land, nor fill the face of the world with cities. 22 And I will rise up against them, saith the Lord of hosts: and I will destroy the name of Babylon, and the remains, and the bud, and the offspring, saith the Lord. 23 And I will make it a possession for the ericius and pools of waters, and I will sweep it and wear it out with a besom, saith the Lord of hosts. 24 The Lord of hosts hath sworn, saying: Surely as I have thought, so shall it be: and as I have purposed, 25 So shall it fall out: That I will destroy the Assyrian in my land, and upon my mountains tread him under foot: and his yoke shall be taken away from them, and his burden shall be taken off their shoulder.
Ezechiel Chapter 28
The king of Tyre, who affected to be like to God, shall fall under the like sentence with Lucifer. The judgment of Sidon. The restoration of Israel.
1 And the word of the Lord came to me, saying: 2 Son of man, say to the prince of Tyre: Thus saith the Lord God: Because thy heart is lifted up, and thou hast said: I am God, and I sit in the chair of God in the heart of the sea: whereas thou art a man, and not God: and hast set thy heart as if it were the heart of God. 3 Behold thou art wiser than Daniel: no secret is hid from thee. 4 In thy wisdom and thy understanding thou hast made thyself strong: and hast gotten gold and silver into thy treasures. 5 By the greatness of thy wisdom, and by thy traffic thou hast increased thy strength: and thy heart is lifted up with thy strength.
Note on verse 3 Thou art wiser than Daniel: Viz., in thy own conceit. The wisdom of Daniel was so much celebrated in his days, that it became a proverb amongst the Chaldeans, when any one would express an extraordinary wisdom, to say he was as wise as Daniel.
6 Therefore, thus saith the Lord God: Because thy heart is lifted up as the heart of God: 7 Therefore behold, I will bring upon thee strangers the strongest of the nations: and they shall draw their swords against the beauty of thy wisdom, and they shall defile thy beauty. 8 They shall kill thee, and bring thee down: and thou shalt die the death of them that are slain in the heart of the sea. 9 Wilt thou yet say before them that slay thee: I am God; whereas thou art a man, and not God, in the hand of them that slay thee?10 Thou shalt die the death of the uncircumcised by the hand of strangers: for I have spoken it, saith the Lord God.
11 And the word of the Lord came to me, saying: Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyre: 12 And say to him: Thus saith the Lord God: Thou wast the seal of resemblance, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty. 13 Thou wast in the pleasures of the paradise of God: every precious stone was thy covering: the sardius, the topaz, and the jasper, the chrysolite, and the onyx, and the beryl, the sapphire, and the carbuncle, and the emerald: gold the work of thy beauty: and thy pipes were prepared in the day that thou wast created. 14 Thou a cherub stretched out, and protecting, and I set thee in the holy mountain of God, thou hast walked in the midst of the stones of fire. 15 Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day of thy creation, until iniquity was found in thee.
Note on verse 12 Thou wast the seal of resemblance: The king of Tyre, by his dignity and his natural perfections, bore in himself a certain resemblance to God, by reason of which he might be called the seal of resemblance, etc. But what is here said to him is commonly understood of Lucifer, the king over all the children of pride.
Note on verse 14 A cherub stretched out: That is, thy wings extended. This alludes to the figure of the cherubims in the sanctuary, which with stretched out wings covered the ark.-- Ibid.
Note on verse 14 The stones of fire: That is, bright and precious stones which sparkle like fire.
Isaiah Chapter 14
6 That struck the people in wrath with an incurable wound, that brought nations under in fury, that persecuted in a cruel manner. 7 The whole earth is quiet and still, it is glad and hath rejoiced. 8 The fir trees also have rejoiced over thee, and the cedars of Libanus, saying: Since thou hast slept, there hath none come up to cut us down. 9 Hell below was in an uproar to meet thee at thy coming, it stirred up the giants for thee. All the princes of the earth are risen up from their thrones, all the princes of nations. 10 All shall answer, and say to thee: Thou also art wounded as well as we, thou art become like unto us.
11 Thy pride is brought down to hell, thy carcass is fallen down: under thee shall the moth be strewed, and worms shall be thy covering. 12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, who didst rise in the morning? how art thou fallen to the earth, that didst wound the nations? 13 And thou saidst in thy heart: I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, I will sit in the mountain of the covenant, in the sides of the north. 14 I will ascend above the height of the clouds, I will be like the most High. 15 But yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, into the depth of the pit.
Note on verse 12 O Lucifer: O day star. All this, according to the letter, is spoken of the king of Babylon. It may also be applied, in a spiritual sense, to Lucifer the prince of devils, who was created a bright angel, but fell by pride and rebellion against God.
16 They that shall see thee, shall turn toward thee, and behold thee. Is this the man that troubled the earth, that shook kingdoms, 17 That made the world a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof, that opened not the prison to his prisoners? 18 All the kings of the nations have all of them slept in glory, every one in his own house. 19 But thou art cast out of thy grave, as an unprofitable branch defiled, and wrapped up among them that were slain by the sword, and art gone down to the bottom of the pit, as a rotten carcass. 20 Thou shalt not keep company with them, even in burial: for thou hast destroyed thy land, thou hast slain thy people: the seed of the wicked shall not be named for ever.
21 Prepare his children for slaughter for the iniquity of their fathers: they shall not rise up, nor inherit the land, nor fill the face of the world with cities. 22 And I will rise up against them, saith the Lord of hosts: and I will destroy the name of Babylon, and the remains, and the bud, and the offspring, saith the Lord. 23 And I will make it a possession for the ericius and pools of waters, and I will sweep it and wear it out with a besom, saith the Lord of hosts. 24 The Lord of hosts hath sworn, saying: Surely as I have thought, so shall it be: and as I have purposed, 25 So shall it fall out: That I will destroy the Assyrian in my land, and upon my mountains tread him under foot: and his yoke shall be taken away from them, and his burden shall be taken off their shoulder.
Ezechiel Chapter 28
The king of Tyre, who affected to be like to God, shall fall under the like sentence with Lucifer. The judgment of Sidon. The restoration of Israel.
1 And the word of the Lord came to me, saying: 2 Son of man, say to the prince of Tyre: Thus saith the Lord God: Because thy heart is lifted up, and thou hast said: I am God, and I sit in the chair of God in the heart of the sea: whereas thou art a man, and not God: and hast set thy heart as if it were the heart of God. 3 Behold thou art wiser than Daniel: no secret is hid from thee. 4 In thy wisdom and thy understanding thou hast made thyself strong: and hast gotten gold and silver into thy treasures. 5 By the greatness of thy wisdom, and by thy traffic thou hast increased thy strength: and thy heart is lifted up with thy strength.
Note on verse 3 Thou art wiser than Daniel: Viz., in thy own conceit. The wisdom of Daniel was so much celebrated in his days, that it became a proverb amongst the Chaldeans, when any one would express an extraordinary wisdom, to say he was as wise as Daniel.
6 Therefore, thus saith the Lord God: Because thy heart is lifted up as the heart of God: 7 Therefore behold, I will bring upon thee strangers the strongest of the nations: and they shall draw their swords against the beauty of thy wisdom, and they shall defile thy beauty. 8 They shall kill thee, and bring thee down: and thou shalt die the death of them that are slain in the heart of the sea. 9 Wilt thou yet say before them that slay thee: I am God; whereas thou art a man, and not God, in the hand of them that slay thee?10 Thou shalt die the death of the uncircumcised by the hand of strangers: for I have spoken it, saith the Lord God.
11 And the word of the Lord came to me, saying: Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyre: 12 And say to him: Thus saith the Lord God: Thou wast the seal of resemblance, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty. 13 Thou wast in the pleasures of the paradise of God: every precious stone was thy covering: the sardius, the topaz, and the jasper, the chrysolite, and the onyx, and the beryl, the sapphire, and the carbuncle, and the emerald: gold the work of thy beauty: and thy pipes were prepared in the day that thou wast created. 14 Thou a cherub stretched out, and protecting, and I set thee in the holy mountain of God, thou hast walked in the midst of the stones of fire. 15 Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day of thy creation, until iniquity was found in thee.
Note on verse 12 Thou wast the seal of resemblance: The king of Tyre, by his dignity and his natural perfections, bore in himself a certain resemblance to God, by reason of which he might be called the seal of resemblance, etc. But what is here said to him is commonly understood of Lucifer, the king over all the children of pride.
Note on verse 14 A cherub stretched out: That is, thy wings extended. This alludes to the figure of the cherubims in the sanctuary, which with stretched out wings covered the ark.-- Ibid.
Note on verse 14 The stones of fire: That is, bright and precious stones which sparkle like fire.
6 December, 2011 10:09 AM