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And when all the evil has come to pass, but the faithful of Christ have not apostatized from Him, then will come the Lord Jesus Christ from heaven with His angels and reward the just with eternal life and condemn the wicked to hell forevermore.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Manchurian Candidate - John McCain 2

See: The Justice of God: Traditional Catholic Prayers: McCain Manchurian Candidate, Unlawful war with Iran by Senate - Tech_Journal: Iran’s Nuclear Program: Status

John McCain -
The Manchurian Candidate?

Watch this video -
John McCain in "Missing, Presumed Dead"
John McCain was the primary opposition to the Senate Select Committee on POWs. He bitterly opposed any attempt to rescue any other POWs. This is very strange since John McCain was himself, a POW.
The POWs that might have been rescued, would have been able to give testimony about the 32 propaganda tapes that John McCain made for the communists, while in Viet Nam. The 32 propaganda tapes are still "classified" so that no one can see them.
Vietnam Veterans Against McCain
Vietnam Veterans call John Mc! Cain a collaborator John McCain says that he would keep our soldiers in Iraq for 100 years. Would he also leave any prisoners there for the rest of their lives?
John McCain at Fox Debate EXPOSED by Ron Paul
McCain laughs, Sings Bomb Iran
Tom DeLay: John McCain Has Done the Most to Hurt the GOP
John McCain vs. John McCain
Worst Person In The World: John McCain
John McCain Gets Owned on Meet The Press
John McCain- Weak on Immigration !
Fox Debate Pt.5 1-10-08
McCain was bombing women in a lightbulb factory (according to Newsweek) when shot down in North Vietnam. He has never failed to defend any illegal or violent war in which the US leaders involved the citizens.
McCain has the support of Henry Kissinger (indicted in Belgium for war crimes), of Joe Lieberman, neocon rejected by Democrats in Connecticut, and other war profiteers.
The McCain Feingold bill made it possible for war profiteers to run nonstop swift boat attack ads ... a campaign to help in Bush's illegal installation in the White House.
McCain approves the Bush tax cuts for the rich which in combination with the Iraq and Afghanistan fiascos have caused trillions in deficit.
CFR / NAU & 2008 Presidential Candidates
McCain Celebrates CFR Anniversary! Lk
Presidential Candidates For North American Union

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